Lipofilling (Fat Graft) – Men

Autologous fat is cheap and abundant. It Is the best material to treat significant facial or body contour irregularities.

Lipofilling (Fat Graft) – Men

Autologous fat is cheap and abundant. It Is the best material to treat significant facial or body contour irregularities.

Lipofilling (Fat Graft) – Men



Lipofilling (Fat Graft) – Men

Autologous fat is cheap and abundant. It Is the best material to treat significant facial or body contour irregularities.


Fatty material is aspirated with special cannulas. It is washed, filtered, and purified. Pure fat cell concentrate is then injected with special needles.


These are viable fat cell grafts. Thus they must adhere to all the requirements of tissue grafts.


Facial loss of volume, body contour defects, and after weight loss are the usual indications.


Partial loss of the grafted cells occurs when they are absorbed by the body. Donor site selection and harvesting technique are crucial for high fat cell survival.


Swelling at the recipient site and bruising of the donor site are common. Both eventually resolve completely.


Topical and local anesthesia with or without sedation.

  • How can I maximize my graft take?
  • When will the final result become evident?
  • Is it possible to add more volume secondarily?
How can I maximize my graft take?

Several factors play significant role in fat cell survival. It is crucial that the grafted area not be massaged or agitated at all especially during the first three weeks.

When will the final result become evident?

It takes at least 3 months before one is able to ascertain the survival rate of fat cells.

Is it possible to add more volume secondarily?

Yes, once the fat cell volume has stabilized in the recipient site, additional fat cell can be added.

Men, Services
Body Part
Face & Body
Applicable for Women